
Self-funded treatments and services

We have now added the option for any patient to pay for treatments or services themselves (self-funded) that the clinic ordinarily wouldn’t pay for.

To ensure that a patient receives a self-funded invoice, it is important to make sure the following are in place:

  • The treatment that the patient is going to be invoiced has the “Self-Funding?” checkbox checked in it’s settings. (Go to the “Clinics” page > Click Edit next to the clinic)
  • The service that the patient is going to be charged for is related to a self-funded clinic. (Go to the “Billable Items” page > Click Edit next to the billable item)
  • The patient’s treatment must be changed to the “Self-Funded”. (Go to the “Patients” page > Click the patient’s name > Go to the “Treatment” tab)
  • Their principal psychiatrist (principal clinician) must be able to provide the self-funded treatment. (Go to the “Staff” page > Click the doctor’s name > Go to the “Services” tab)

If the appointment is for a therapy treatment, the patient’s principal psychiatrist (principal clinician) should be switched to the therapist before making the appointment (Go to the “Patients” page > Click a patient’s name > Choose the principal psychiatrist). This allows the appointment to correctly show in the therapist’s calendar and ensures the correct staff member will be paid.

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